I can remember as a young boy, laying in bed before sleep, wondering about infinity. What ‘was’ it and what did it look like? I could picture the stars, but how far ‘beyond’ did they go? Where did they lead? I always seemed to come up against a wall in my curiosity. It was all too much for my young mind to fathom. It left me somewhat unfulfilled!

I’ve always been a truth seeker. I’ve wanted ‘actual’ proof that God exists - not just words from books or hearing other peoples’ opinions about what God is without them having had a true experience of their own.

When I was in my thirties, a friend of mine who was a student of Eckankar suggested that I try this simple spiritual exercise to contact the Light and Sound of God - the ECK (Holy Spirit): Sit quietly in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed. Gaze gently into your spiritual eye (the Third Eye), located between and slightly behind the eyebrows. Sweetly sing/chant the word HU (pronounced like “hue”) in a long, drawn-out sound, HU-U-U-U… HU is a love song to God. Look for the Light (it can be blue, yellow, white, green, etc.) and listen for the Sound (there are many possibilities). Spend up to 20 minutes a day with this.

I had results almost immediately with this exercise. In fact, it changed my life completely and dramatically! Having an experience with either the Light or Sound, or both, is having actual communication with God. Some of the many benefits from singing HU include: divine love, wisdom, healing, working off karma, better decision making, deeper insights into life, realizing yourself as Soul (the True Self), plus gaining spiritual freedom.

"I could picture the stars, but how far ‘beyond’ did they go?"